HR Tech – ŸĆÉ« ŸĆÉ« Every Interaction Count Wed, 01 Feb 2023 14:37:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-ŸĆÉ«-logo_color-icon-32x32.png HR Tech – ŸĆÉ« 32 32 HR Tech Conference Insights /hr-tech-conference-insights Mon, 26 Sep 2022 18:58:51 +0000 + Read More]]> Our team had a blast and learned a lot at the 2022 HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago. We met with vendors of all types and heard from some fantastic speakers about market trends and technology insights. One takeaway for us was that employers are hyper-focused on HR Technology as part of their ongoing strategy and budgeting.

According to , nearly HALF the market is expected to increase their budget for HR technologies in the coming year and many business leaders indicated that recruiting technology will be a priority. While it’s unclear if increasing the budget equates to system replacement or adding on modules, we think this is significant for employers and brokers to pay attention to. This is no surprise with the focus employers have on engagement and retention.

The Sapient Survey also revealed that 50% of employers are expected to change their Time & Payroll vendor in the next 12-24 months.

What does this mean? The market is shifting, and it’s shifting FAST. We recommend you engage with your team to audit your current HR technologies
 reflect on how your current systems are serving you today. If you come away from this exercise with more negatives than positives, it might be time to bring in an expert for support – that’s where we come in.

We have the support you need for Selection, Deployment, and Consultation. We can help you run a selection process to find your future technology, and even provide implementation support for your new technology to lift some effort off your plate. If you decide to implement a new technology or just need a little help for an upcoming Open Enrollment, our Benefits Education Services are available to support your workforce with technology and enrollment.

If you would like more information, reach out! Email to connect with our experts.


About the Author

Amy Wilson is our Senior HR Technology Consultant, working with BTR brokers to assist clients in creating more efficient HR department strategies. She is committed to strong partnerships, communication, and is passionate about helping clients streamline processes and gain efficiencies with their current vendors and helping them find new HR technology solutions to meet their needs. Amy has spent over 20 years leading implementations and providing ongoing support for several major technology platforms. Email Amy at

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring Proliant /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-proliant Wed, 24 Aug 2022 15:50:37 +0000 + Read More]]> August 2022

We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Proliant’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is Proliant’s claim to fame? Give us the 411 on your specialty.


At Proliant, we believe there is not true “best HR technology,” rather we look at how technology fits best with our clientele. Our origins were in CPA tax services, until our clients asked for support with payroll services. Proliant pivoted to accommodate the needs of their clients, and now payroll is the core service offered by Proliant. Industries with hourly employees – restaurants, factories, retail, and the like – are finding a lot of success on Proliant’s software


What are the common services added onto your core payroll offering?


Typically, we see Onboarding, ACA, HRIS, and Time & Labor implemented with our core payroll service. We were the first payroll system in the industry with an integrated ACA suite, with lots of bells and whistles for employers with variable hour employees.

Applicant tracking is typically stand-alone from the payroll system, which is by design in many cases due to the specific needs of the type of client using AT solution.

Benefits administration is available through Proliant, and we also offer integrations with many other best-in-breed ben admin systems like Employee Navigator, PlanSource, and bswift. Proliant is proud to have the flexibility to integrate with best-in-breed partners to offer the best global solution for the employer.

BTR: Tell us about the opportunities available for integrations.


We have an open API architecture. We see a lot of integrations with Applicant Tracking and Learning Management systems to facilitate new hire processes. Security is also a popular API for many clients to support Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) functionality.

BTR: What is on Proliant’s roadmap?


Our product team is doing a great job listening to our clients with a focus on automating as much as we can for employers. Standardization of data is top of mind with most of our developments, with the objective of helping employers be able to use their data for employee utilization and corporate forecasting.

Employee Engagement is also being developed. Technology tools such as employee surveys and communication modules are being designed to support business objectives from the top down, including position management access for mid-management roles and collaborative digital spaces within Proliant’s software.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring GUARDIAN /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-guardian Wed, 10 Aug 2022 13:26:55 +0000 + Read More]]> August 2022

We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Guardian’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins. Be sure to also check out the .



What is Guardian great at? Give us the 411.


Guardian has been in business for 160 years and is proud to bring a broad offering of comprehensive solutions aimed at supporting the overall wholistic wellness. Guardian regards personal wellness to include “Mind, Body, & Wallet” and focuses their endeavors to support all three areas. Guardian also targets their partnerships specifically to provide tools that provide the ability to simplify benefits management overall.


What’s big and exciting for Guardian right now?


We are developing more APIs for our Guardian Access API Program. The program facilitates quick implementation of connections and supports enrollment accuracy with a keen focus on integration with ben admin systems and other HR technologies.

Guardian currently has 4 Key APIs which are designed to enhance the employee enrollment experience:

  • Member API – Transmits employee demographic & eligibility information to Guardian
  • Plan Level API – Facilitates plan configuration so that system rules match the plan rules
  • EOI API – Enables an instant insurability decision at time of enrollment
  • Provider Directory API – Employees can search for providers within the ben admin system

Guardian is also working to improve connectivity across all benefits. Guardian is focusing on employee education & awareness about their enrolled products, with the aim of improving the employee’s experience in using their insurance. A new, innovative partnership with Naya Health enhances the employee experience with decision support at point of enrollment by providing a data centric view of utilization and education.

Guardian believes that a connectivity strategy is needed by all industries – technology is the tie that binds for most companies.

BTR: What’s on Guardian’s Technology Roadmap?


Guardian is excited to release a Member level & Plan level API with ADP WorkForce Now toward the end of 2022.

Guardian is currently acting as its own test client for an EOI API with Workday and will release more APIs with Workday in the future.

BTR: What else would you like to share?


Guardian is a big fan of the Enrollment Support available through BTR’s partnership with iBenefit Communication. Having 1-on-1 direct support to help an employee with their benefits package not only humanizes the benefits enrollment experience, but it also supports data validation at the point of enrollment.

It’s also awesome to have iBenefit on board because their support is ideal for multi-generational workplaces. Gen Z is starting to make benefits decisions – even though they are fluent with technology, they still need a person to simplify and guide their choices. Gen X doesn’t want help but can struggle with technology so they need a human to support their utilization of the technology. Guardian appreciates iBenefit’s ability to solve for a broad scope of cross-generational needs.

BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email

The Value of Vendor Management /the-value-of-vendor-management Thu, 19 May 2022 19:39:29 +0000 + Read More]]> May 19, 2022

Vendors can play a significant role in the success of business objectives. Vendors help drive new growth, ensuring the organization is profitable, which is why effectively managing relationships with the vendor world is crucial. When vendor management is executed successfully, companies will benefit by staying abreast of industry trends, intel, and standards.

Managing Vendor Relationships

The key to any successful relationship is understanding the expectations of the parties involved. Knowing each participant’s role and clearly defining responsibilities for each party is an important element of managing expectations.

Frequent communication between Vendors and HR/business leaders supports the success of ongoing company objectives. Recurring meetings ensure opportunities for questions, problem solving, and decision making, as well as support the overall management of project timelines.

When a vendor relationship is properly managed, the company experience is enhanced. Confidence in a vendor’s team leads to enhanced performance management. Being able to provide constructive feedback and address concerns about client service can increase overall customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Vendor Management

One of the main goals of deploying technology is to improve overall data integrity. Proactive vendor management ensures vendors are thoroughly vetted. Checking for any potential risks that could adversely impact the company supports data integrity and security.

Client satisfaction is greatly improved when vendor relationships are proactively managed. Strengthening vendor relationships can streamline the selection process and improve efficiencies.

Sharing information is huge benefit of a strong vendor relationship. Vendors in the market can provide significant insight to their data security standards, functionality, pricing structures, and initiatives to help business leaders strategize more effectively.

Fostering vendor relationships requires commitment and consistency to ensure the needs of all parties are met. It is important to work with collaborative, customer-focused vendors that drive towards service excellence. A vendor relationship manager can grow that partnership rapport. When managed effectively, a successful vendor relationship can bring forth a strategic alliance to achieve a high level of success together.

If your organization would like to consult with BTR about your Vendor strategy, please email your inquiry to


About the Author

Therese Tomasek supports BTR as the Vendor Relationship Manager, focusing on developing and growing BTR’s partner relationships. Therese brings to the team several years of experience in HR, focusing on process improvement, talent acquisition, and contingent workforce management.

Why HR Tech Needs a Communication Strategy /why-hr-tech-needs-a-communication-strategy Wed, 04 May 2022 19:16:01 +0000 + Read More]]> May 4, 2022

You’ve heard it before from BTR: “Technology is only as good as the team you have servicing it.”

The saying also applies to the communication strategy employers use around their HR Technology. Communication is key for the varying phases of technology deployment and can make or break the overall user experience. Designing an effective communication strategy for HR technology will support overall business objectives and investment.

Implementation Go Live

The most obvious time to communicate about technology is when it is new! Employers will see wider adoption of their new technology by informing employees about the existence and purpose of the system. BTR generally recommends including flyers, emails, and instructional guides as part of your Go Live communication strategy.


New hires typically require lots of support during onboarding. Designing a communication strategy with new hires in mind will facilitate a positive experience for employees and administrators alike. Applying customized verbiage within the technology itself supports corporate messaging and education. Benefit enrollment counselors also provide a personal touch to new hires as they learn more about their new employer.

Open Enrollment

Renewals are a busy time. Taking the lift off the HR team by leveraging benefit education specialists, call centers, instructional guides, and more are key elements of any Open Enrollment strategy. The most important consideration for employers regarding Open Enrollment communication is the timeline – communicating early, often, and consistently with employees about how to execute their elections for the coming plan year will improve the overall renewal process.

Notices & Trainings

BTR is seeing more and more employers leverage HR technology for employer notices and trainings. Improvements in automation across the market allow employers to fold their company notices into enrollment workflows, with the ability to generate acknowledgment reports on the backend. Employers are also adding links to employee sites within their HR technologies to facilitate easy access to necessary trainings.

BTR specializes in deploying HR technologies, including strategies for communication. If your organization would like to consult with BTR about your HR Technology communication strategy, please email your inquiry to



About the Author

Holli Brummett supports BTR as the Business Development Coordinator, focusing on new opportunities and business development for the BTR Extend Division. Holli brings to the team several years of Benefits Administration experience on multiple systems, working with broker teams as well as employers across many industries, including manufacturing, school districts, hospital systems, and more.

The 5 Ws of HR Technology Security /the-5-ws-of-hr-technology-security Wed, 30 Mar 2022 19:24:41 +0000 + Read More]]> Has your organization authored a security plan for your HR Technology? If not, the time is now.

With more and more scams plaguing the digital world these days, it’s imperative for business leaders to know what steps to take in an HR technology emergency. Start the process of authoring an HR technology catastrophe preparedness plan by considering The 5 Ws.

WHO – Identifying WHO needs to be involved during a technology emergency is step one. Keep an updated list of contacts for internal and external support personnel. Consider your vendor support teams in this list as well.

WHAT – Know WHAT the objectives are for your plan. Obviously, you want to protect the sensitive data within your organization (employee PHI, banking info, etc.). Consider any other information you want to protect, like access to web content or proprietary processes.

WHERE – Define WHERE your sensitivities lie and the ways to access each one. Target the areas within your HR technology for specific steps in the event of a technology catastrophe to support the ability to act quickly.

WHEN – Track WHEN your systems are backed up and updated. Notice any variance in the schedule and reach out to vendor support teams with any inquiries and resolution.

WHY – Communicate WHY the security plan is important to your internal team. Educate your team on the importance of the plan and help them familiarize with each step that applies to each department.

Once the 5 Ws are defined and identified, the remainder of the plan will be easier to author. A simple process for authoring such a plan is to adhere to these five principles:

  1. Protect – a solid security plan should be both proactive and reactive, considering all potential “points of entry” for all types of data sets.
  2. Respond – your security plan should detail not only the steps that will need to be taken, but also include additional information such as weblinks and login credentials for timely and efficient responses.
  3. Recover – planning out the recovery process is important. Consider contingency plans and opportunities with careful precision.
  4. Test – this is the most crucial part of any plan. Business leaders will have more confidence and find more success in a well-tested plan.
  5. Repeat – schedule times to run through your security plan several times per year or even per month. Repetition will help your team identify opportunities for efficiencies as well as any missed needs for additional security.

Refer to our recent blog for additional information about the types of security attacks we are seeing in the industry.

If your organization would like to consult with BTR about technology security, please email your inquiry to


About the Author

Hayes Stevens supports BTR brokers and their clients with their HR technology initiatives and serves as the team lead for BTR’s consulting division. With over 10 years in the HR Technology industry, he provides unparalleled expertise to clients through a strategic, long-term success framework and approach.

Increase retention through integrated technology and employee engagement /increase-retention-through-integrated-technology-and-employee-engagement Wed, 09 Mar 2022 20:38:04 +0000 + Read More]]> March 9, 2022

“41% of U.S. employees spend 15 minutes or less researching health care benefit options during open enrollment.” Do you remember this 2014 survey stat? It generated a lot of conversation among HR professionals — especially when compared to research that showed Americans spend at least two hours deciding which television to buy. We’re confident that the results would be much the same if the survey was conducted today. Employers are frustrated with employees’ lack of engagement in their benefits.

People are a company’s biggest expense. In the 2020 State of Talent Optimization Report, executives reported that 64% of their total company costs were salary and benefits. The most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that, in the private sector, benefits represent nearly one-third (29.2%) of total compensation. Given these numbers, it’s not surprising that employers are looking for ways to help employees better understand the value of their benefits — especially at a time when “retention” tops the list of many employers’ organizational concerns and HR priorities, regardless of industry or size.

We understand your pain. Every year you invest significantly in employee benefits that you believe will advance your recruitment and retention efforts. But if employees don’t know or understand the value of these benefits, you’re not getting a good return on that investment. The best way to counter this is with the one-two punch of technology and employee engagement.

An industry merger provides an expertise “twofer”

In January, iBenefit Communication (iBC) acquired Benefit Technology Resources (BTR). We brought our companies together into one cohesive team because it is apparent that employers want and need a more integrated employee communication and enrollment solution. Together, we offer:

  • Top-of-the-line, best-fit HCM, Payroll and Benefits Administration delivery and consulting on the full spectrum of solutions designed to advance the organization’s people strategy, and
  • Personalized employee communication and engagement support to educate employees on the value of their benefits and help them make informed choices using a high-touch approach that builds trust, creates loyalty, and increases retention.

Lean into the human experience to increase retention

The counselor-assisted approach to benefits enrollment is key to building a relationship with employees. Today’s employees want a more personal connection with their employer. Before the seismic shift to remote and hybrid work options, the HR tech market was trending towards greater employee engagement. This new norm only adds to the need to lean into the human experience.

Our combined services represent a total package to leverage benefits as a retention strategy. We’re also happy to assist you with just one (or any combination) of our service offerings, including:

  • Benefits administration technology. Pre-vetted, versatile platforms with top-notch implementations and unmatched service and support.
  • HR technology consulting. Expertise in HR tech procurement, analysis, and optimization to help you get the most out of your HR technology ecosystem. We’re a trusted advisor, providing independent and agnostic guidance to help you make sense of today’s complex HR tech marketplace and identify solutions to meet your unique needs.
  • Personalized education and engagement. One-on-one, concierge-level benefits education and enrollment support with a Benefits Education Specialist for every employee, resulting in more informed employee decisions and a stronger employer-employee connection.

The employee-employer balance of power in the talent market has shifted, and the employee is in the driver’s seat. Employers are responding with better benefits to attract and retain good talent. Your benefit offering is one of your most important recruiting tools. Get the most from your investment with personalized employee engagement and education supported by technology that delivers an enhanced employee experience.

Contact your iBC or BTR representative to learn more and discuss your retention strategy.



About the Author

Jamie Hawkins is Founder & CEO of Benefit Technology Resources. She has been in the HR Technology industry for over 20 years and is considered an industry thought-leader on providers, services, and trends.  Jamie serves as the Director of Technology for several well-known broker and consultant affinity groups, such as Benefit Advisors Network, and Assurex Global.  She is also a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and speaks throughout the US on HR Technology trends



About the Author

Phillip Goodrum is Founder & CEO of iBenefit Communication. Phillip has a diverse background leading multiple businesses in the technology, insurance and healthcare sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications from The University of Tennessee and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the Jack C. Massey School of Business at Belmont University. Phillip resides in Charlotte with his wife and five children.

You Get What You Pay For /you-get-what-you-pay-for Wed, 09 Feb 2022 17:41:26 +0000 + Read More]]> February 16, 2022

The big takeaway from our 2021 BTR Summit conference was: “‘free’ is the new F-word.” Each year, we host brokers, vendors, and other stakeholders in the HR tech space to come together and explore market issues and trends. It was during our 2021 Summit that our attendees were in unanimous agreement that “free” is never “free” and there’s a cost to good HR technology.

“Free” can come at a high cost. Free software is typically underwhelming with many limitations, requiring more manual effort which is inefficient. This type of “free” is not the kind of “free” employers need. Employers should consider the cost associated with lost productivity for poor-performing software as well as manual tasks to make the software perform as desired.

Your Vendor is Your Partner

Careful selection and familiarization of HR tech partners help employers to avoid the pitfalls of free software. I don’t use the word “partner” lightly; HR technology should be a true partner to the organization who understands the business goals and initiatives, providing guidance and support to help business leaders accomplish both.

A true HR Technology partner will carry many of these characteristics:

  • Won’t sell you services you don’t need
  • Won’t dilute customer support—regardless of cost or discounts for their software.
  • Will tell you things you may not want to hear.
    • For example, a partner may push back an implementation timeline because they are looking out for your interests and know that your reputation with your employees is essential to your brand.
  • Will do it right rather than doing it fast
  • Will outline what you can accomplish within the timeline
  • Will help prioritize your HR technology and benefit administration goals which improves confidence with the approach and roadmap.
  • Will plan to Go Live on time, recognizing that hope is not a strategy.

Employers should also consider the service model of their partner. BTR generally advises against the “service tiers” model because we believe every organization should get the best service regardless of the invoice’s bottom figure.

Expertise to Support Your Business Goals

Employers also need to recognize that each organization has unique needs that may vary from their industry counterparts. A tailored solution is typically going to out-perform a “plug & play” software when it comes to meeting business objectives. Business leaders can leverage a team with technology knowledge & expertise to design a strategically-tailored solution.

Help with Your HR Tech Strategy

The “you get what you pay for” principle applies to most HR technology products and services but is especially true with benefits administration. The good news is that employer organizations are becoming smarter and more sophisticated buyers. HR leaders increasingly understand that purchasing the right technology from the right partner saves time and money over the long term (and oftentimes in the short run, too). Still, the HR tech sector is large and complex. Even experienced buyers struggle to stay on top of the market.

Our team focuses on HR technology solutions every day. We know the market and work with insurance brokers to help employers achieve their business goals through best-fit HR technology solutions and vendor partnerships. The BTR team is happy to assist with your organization’s HR technology strategy—email to get started!

About the Author

Kate Taylor is BTRs President & COO, she supports BTR’s directors and managers with operational initiatives, team development, and strategic growth.  Kate has successfully developed and led the BTR benefits administration division since its inception in 2010.  She has held nearly every role and has worked exclusively with benefits administration for over 12 years.

Tech Catastrophe Prep Steps for Employers /tech-catastrophe-prep-steps-for-employers Wed, 02 Feb 2022 15:14:07 +0000 + Read More]]> February 2, 2022

What would you do if you lost access to your HR Technology right now without warning?

In today’s cloud-based society, technology is a vital tool for organizations worldwide. Without it, HR teams wouldn’t accomplish anything successfully and efficiently. One element of our technology that is often overlooked is probably the most vital – security.

Security should always be top of mind for employers when it comes to their technology. Organizations should craft a backup plan for when – not if! – technology failure or threat scenarios occur. This is why a contingency plan is key – instances of employee negligence, vendor error, cyberattacks, or ransomware can bring any operation to a grinding halt.

Catastrophe preparedness is not one-size-fits-all. Organizations should develop sustainable and effective protocols outside of their technology to reduce impacts to the organization and its people.

BTR sees common recurring factors within the market when it comes to the loss of access to data. Employers looking to maintain overall technology security for their organization should consider this checklist regarding their HR Technology systems.

  • System Maintenance Deferrals – Delaying systems updates puts data at risk and could be costly. A good technology vendor will apply a consistent schedule for replacing outdated technology and should not be utilizing products or services that are being sunset or discontinued.
  • Backups Management – Drafting protocols for backing-up data on a “cloud,” rather than on the actual premises, is becoming industry standard. It’s considered a best practice to schedule data pushes for backup maintenance, rather than always processing manual backups, keeping a close watch to make sure timely backups don’t error out and cause any data exposures.
  • Ransomware Events – Organizations should have a coordinated plan in place in the event of a long-term impact to technology access. Ransomware events typically result in a total loss of production and can cause an expansive liability of exposed data if not handled cautiously.
  • Vendor Error – Technology vendors make errors from time to time, but a lengthy timeline for resolution or spotty communications about issues can be a big red flag in some instances. Vendor errors can also cause a total production loss (which could translate to a direct impact to benefits). Employers will want to be sure to plan for short- and long-term scenarios to maintain coverage.

Technology and security needs are evolving at a rapid pace. Focusing on the security of employees’ data and personal information should be a priority to employers of all industries and sizes.

If your organization would like to consult with BTR about technology security, please email your inquiry to


About the Author

Hayes Stevens supports BTR brokers and their clients with their HR technology initiatives and serves as the team lead for BTR’s consulting division. With over 10 years in the HR Technology industry, he provides unparalleled expertise to clients through a strategic, long-term success framework and approach.

Special Edition: Healthcare Vaccine Mandate /special-edition-healthcare-vaccine-mandate Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:48:10 +0000 + Read More]]> January 14, 2022

On January 7th, the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments about the OSHA ETS Vaccine and Testing Mandate for Large Employers with 100+ employees as well as the vaccine mandate for certain Healthcare workers and facilities. After several days of deliberation, the Supreme Court ruled on January 13th, that the mandate for large employers was too broad, blocking the OSHA ETS from activation—with one exception: the vaccine requirement for certain health care workers in facilities participating in Medicare or Medicaid will take effect.

As impacted healthcare employers scramble to respond to the January 13th ruling, there are crucial steps business leaders can take to prepare for implementing a Vaccine and Testing tracking solution.

Steps for Healthcare Facilities can take now

  • Review your employee handbook and employment contracts to identify changes needed regarding your organization’s COVID-19 vaccine policy
  • Enact policies to ensure all required employees are treated equitably
  • Establish specific timelines and goals for compliance across your organization
  • Consult with legal counsel to ensure procedures and implementation are executed properly and communicated effectively
  • Talk with your current technology providers to assess solutions for collecting proof of vaccination, validation processes, confidentiality, etc.
  • Determine if the solution is adaptable to changing requirements such as booster shots, reporting needs, etc.?

If your organization finds itself in need of a vaccine-or-testing tracking strategy, BTR can help! Feel free to reach out to us at to ask questions or to schedule a consultation.

Please note: This publication includes a high-level overview of the federal mandate. The requirements may differ based on specific state laws and may have special application to employers in varying industries. BTR is in no way providing medical advice or guidance on the COVID-19 vaccine or any vaccine or medical diagnosis. If you have questions about whether or not a vaccine is right for you, please consult your physician or go to for more information. Additionally, BTR is not positioned to provide legal advice in any manner, so please consult your ERISA or legal counsel before moving forward with vaccine tracking.

About the Author

Jannette Kresser coordinates BTR’s solution provider relationships and supports operational efficiencies for the Consulting Division. She has over 20 years of experience in project management, contract administration, process improvements, and new technology implementations
