Podcast – ľĹÉ« ľĹÉ« Every Interaction Count Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:13:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 /wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-ľĹÉ«-logo_color-icon-32x32.png Podcast – ľĹÉ« 32 32 SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring Ceridian /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-ceridian Fri, 04 Nov 2022 08:00:19 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=3137 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Ceridian’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is Ceridian’s claim to fame?


Ceridian is a leading global HCM solution provider. With more than six thousand organizations around the globe, Ceridian is one of the world’s leading payroll & HCM providers. We support a range of employers sizing from 100 employees to millions of employees. Our solutions are ideal for organizations of any type who have complex payroll needs, such as advanced timekeeping or global requirements.

Our flagship product, Dayforce, brings a centralized, real-time HCM solution to the market and was built with a global perspective in mind. With Dayforce, we can address the needs of employers with employees in multiple countries using a singular platform. The platform is also scalable for employers as they enter the global market.


Where is Ceridian going? Can you share about your roadmap and integrations?


Ceridian’s roadmap is a global roadmap. Our roadmap is focused on three categories: people empowerment, workforce intelligence, and compliance.

We’ve just launched Dayforce Wallet in the UK, which is our real time on-demand pay platform. Dayforce Wallet is now available in the US, UK, and Canada. We’ve also opened up payroll services in Germany and Singapore and will be launching payroll in Mexico and the Asia-Pacific in the coming months.

Within the next six months, we are adding HR Knowledge Management, which is an intuitive Q&A feature to support organizations’ HR teams as they respond to employees’ questions. We are also expanding our mobile capabilities for timesheets and benefits enrollment.

Ceridian is also expanding people analytics; increasing data connections to large ERPs such as Workday, Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft Dynamics; adding peer benchmarking in Dayforce.

We are also working on the concept of a single global record (the “global person”) for each employee on our system. This will support the ability to report on key data for HR analytics of the total person by maintaining all data for one employee in one record, eliminating the need to aggregate data.


How is Ceridian addressing the hybrid work model and other post-Pandemic workforce trends?


Ceridian’s Value Advisory Team reviews trends in the marketplace to identify targets for our roadmap. The team then tracks each trend to determine its permanency in the market. As is the case with hybrid work, trends can easily become standard. Case in point, we are now seeing  30% of workforces conducting work using a hybrid model.

Ceridian recognizes that business leaders are making decisions for their workforce based off current and future data, so our platform also has built-in reporting capabilities to support those decision processes with trends data that is internal to the organization and external across the industry. This brings agility to the workplace, which is key considering 69% of employers are looking to improve their current access to data and analytics.

The need for Skills Advancement is another key trend we are noticing in the market. HR teams are looking to expand training offerings to their workforce, which Ceridian has plenty of solutions to support.


Tell us about Ceridian’s recent ! Any interesting stats you can share?


We saw significant responses regarding OnDemand Pay…

  • 72% of US employees want access to wages before payday
  • 57% of those same employees would stay longer with an organization who offers OnDemand Pay as a benefit

This confirms the notion that OnDemand Pay is no longer just an idea, it’s becoming reality for many organizations as they focus on talent attraction and retention. Dayforce Wallet is our OnDemand Pay solution that allows employees access to OnDemand Pay.


What other exciting things does Ceridian have going on?


Ceridian is working to improve our partner network experience. We just re-launched our Partners Ecosystem this fall to enhance the relationship with Ceridian for our broker partners. We also are launching the Influence Academy, which is an educational and training platform for our partners to learn more about Ceridian. We are also giving our social marketing tools a tune up to support our partners, too.

We are also really excited about the coming up November 7 – 10 in Las Vegas. This is a terrific opportunity for our customers to come together and learn about Ceridian and all we do.

BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring Cornerstone OnDemand /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-cornerstone-ondemand Fri, 28 Oct 2022 08:00:16 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=3035 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with to discuss Cornerstone’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.




What is Cornerstone’s claim to fame?


Cornerstone has been a SaaS provider for holistic talent development and learning management for more than 20 years. We have supported over seven thousand organizations and over 90 million individuals worldwide. Our services inspire growth, productivity, and success for the total organization.


How is Cornerstone helping employers prioritize virtual learning and development for their employees?


We are in a new world now, after Covid and it’s no secret that the Pandemic brought to light gaps that many employers struggle with at the organizational level. Early in the Pandemic, we released Cornerstone Cares, which was a free, online catalogue of mental wellness content available to anyone who accessed the portal. We continue to offer this content today, which is packaged as “nano-content,” which are short videos, to larger segments about the subject matter selected by the organization. This type of packaging allows the user to consume the content in the method that works best for them.


Considering the new ways we are doing work these days, how is Cornerstone helping employers keep their employees engaged in their daily work?


With the large shift to remote work in 2020, we analyzed the content being consumed at that time to proactively identify what employees were needing and keeping employers in-the-know. We then leveraged this data to support employers with building the content into their online workflows (i.e., benefits enrollment) by applying systems integrations. This uniquely positioned our content before the employee, regardless of where they were seeing it, which eliminated barriers to consuming the content and thusly helps the organization as a whole.

We also see these videos benefiting organizations with multi-generational workforces. As each generation comes to work with a different viewpoint, we can address a variety of needs through our content delivery options.


Can you tell us what is on your roadmap? What about integrations?


Cornerstone releases updates every three months. This year, we have seen the most content development and release around Skills in the workplace.

Regarding integrations, Cornerstone “is not a jealous application.” We are ready to work with other technologies to ensure a seamless experience for employers and employees alike. We have many integrations already in production and are happy to explore a new connection if a client needs it.

Our main goal is to arm CHROs and CLOs with the data they need to develop a holistic plan for supporting their organization in the most effective way for their organization’s needs.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring FLORES /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-flores Fri, 21 Oct 2022 08:00:51 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=3024 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with to discuss Flores’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is Flores’s claim to fame?


30 years ago, Flores started as a small firm in Charlotte, NC focused on Consumer Driven Health plans. Today, we proudly offer COBRA administration, FSA, HSA, Plan Documents, Billing Services, and more.


Tell us more about your growth from 30 years ago to today.


Flores’s growth is comprised of organically and through acquisition. We have always focused on relationship with our employers and brokers and through this referral model, we were able to cultivate a loyal and respectful atmosphere for employee benefits work. Our skilled and talented team has brought expansion for a myriad of technology opportunities on the service front, which is very exciting.

Flores also saw growth through key acquisitions – ProBenefits was acquired in January of 2022, BeneFlex was acquired in July 2022, and Leave Solutions was acquired in April 2022 to be able to offer new FMLA services.


What new services are on the horizon for Flores?


Thanks to our acquisition of ProBenefits, we now offer services for ERISA Wrap documents, Premium Only documents, and Form 5500 preparation services to our customers. These services are supported by a team of dedicated compliance experts, which includes two on-staff specialized attorneys.


How is Flores using technology to enhance their services?


We leverage a proprietary platform for account-based plans, administration, and COBRA for all our clients. We are continually investing in our technology to refine and enhance our platform. We now have a mobile app as well as team dedicated to integrations. Flores aims to keep the enrollment and administration experience accessible and accurate.

Flores recognizes that the workforce is changing, that employees are looking for more connection with their employers. We believe that technology is the key to making that connection in real time.


We’ve heard about a lot of changes… what is staying the same?


Flores’s service model is here to stay – our customers will receive a dedicated account manager to support them when they have questions or issues with our products. We continue to develop proactive ways to support the account manager to ensure customers are having a positive experience with their services. For example, we deploy a quality assurance team who audits enrollment data and identifies any potential issues before they impact an employee. We also train our service representatives through a rigorous and thorough training program that is designed to maintain a superior level of service.

The core of our model is to develop loyalty with our clients and provide brokers with a trusted partner to supplement their role to employers. We maintain that technology brings tremendous value to these relationships, allowing Flores to remain being a leader in the market.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring The Hartford /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-the-hartford Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:15:58 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=3021 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with to discuss The Hartford’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is The Hartford’s Claim to fame?

The Hartford:

The Hartford is a leader in property and casualty insurance, group benefits, and mutual funds. We have over 200 years’ experience helping clients manage their financial risk. What sets us apart is our people, our process, and our technology. We focus on providing superior service to HR and benefits professionals by offering a dedicated team to support data connectivity technologies.


How is The Hartford using technology to lead the market with their offerings?

The Hartford:

We continue to expand and invest in our integrations and partnerships with technology providers in the market. Our #1 goal is to deliver an enhanced administrator experience and a smooth enrollment experience for employees. The Hartford has flexibility to connect with just about any vendor in the market and is continually formalizing partnerships with key technology leaders. When our clients choose one of our technology partners, they get a streamlined implementation, a dedicated service team, and a clear path for service issue escalations – not to mention, a system that is optimized for the employee’s enrollment experience.


Tell us about your roadmap – is The Hartford expanding integration opportunities?

The Hartford:

Yes! We believe there is always opportunity to expand integrations. We also believe that education about the types of integration is important too. The Hartford recognizes that integrations are not “one-size-fits-all” so we leverage a mixture of EDI, API, and reverse files to facilitate a real time data exchange.

Regarding our roadmap, The Hartford is adopting LIMRA standard APIs. We currently have APIs built with a number of partners that are ready and working wonderfully. We are also building point-to-point solutions to accommodate different needs. Our main objective with technology is to solve for common pain points around things like Evidence of Insurability (EOI) – we aim to reduce manual effort and headaches for our customers.


What types of market trends are you seeing with HR technology?

The Hartford:

We are seeing a lot of turn-over with payroll, HCM, and benefits administration technologies on the buyer’s side. Employers who are moving to a new technology are looking for carriers who not only integrate with their solution, but also provide an enhanced digital experience. Benefits and technology decisions are now being evaluated at the same time, whereas, in the past, these decisions were done independently. The Hartford believes its important to support employers and employees through these transitions by offering products and services that support their solution.

Our recent Future of Benefits Pulse Survey indicates that inflation is going to continue to impact benefits selections in the coming plan year. 40% of U.S. workers say inflation will make them scale back the benefits they choose during open enrollment and 48% of workers say inflation is making it hard to pay for their benefits. The Hartford sees employers doubling down on their benefits communications strategy to empower their employees to make smart decisions and manage their financial risk.


What do you recommend for employers looking to improve their benefits communication strategy?

The Hartford:

Employers can offer a variety of tools to reach their workforce – emails, 1-on-1 counselors, webinars, educational videos, and decision support tools. The Hartford supports employers leaning on partners like BTR and iBenefit Communication to execute their communication strategies and support their employees.

We are also seeing technology vendor partners invest in their engagement and decision tools to increase their effectiveness and ROI. We recommend to our clients to enable these tools, especially when they are available at no cost. The Hartford also provides decision and pre-enrollment communications support to customers as well.

The Hartford believes that education shouldn’t stop after Open Enrollment. Product placement in the enrollment workflow coupled with targeted education can increase employee participation and understanding about how the products work together. For Example, our best practice is to place the Hospital Indemnity and Critical Illness directly after the Medical choices in the enrollment workflow and include content about how the plans supplement each other.

In summary, all that we are doing is to create the best experience for our customers for all points of engagement with The Hartford.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring SUN LIFE /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-sun-life Fri, 07 Oct 2022 07:00:40 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=3005 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Sun Life’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.




What is Sun Life known for in the market?

Sun Life:

Sun Life is really excited about our investment in connectivity and digital innovation. We believe the future landscape is going to be all about integrations, so we are focusing on our digital infrastructure to support our incredible products. We strive to make benefits easier to use and understand for our members so they can experience the full value our products offer.


Share about how Connectivity fits into your Go-To-Market strategy.

Sun Life:

We view the client experience through the lens of the total journey that a client goes through with Sun Life, from onboarding through claims. Sun Life stays relevant to employers by making the administration experience easier by delivering Connectivity for plan building, ongoing eligibility, evidence of insurability, and billing. Sun Life’s strategy is focused on three elements of Connectivity – having the right technology teams in place for building the connections, holding key partnerships with like-minded industry leaders, and being connected to the right platforms for an optimal client experience.


So, tell us about your integration capabilities – what can Sun Life do for employers?

Sun Life:

We recognize that most employers have some sort of enrollment technology today. To support the market, we invested in a team of tech professionals we call The Accelerator. This team is tasked with developing integrations with vendors in the industry to drive a better experience for our clients who leverage technology. We also educate our clients and their brokers of the types of connections we have available in the market as well as explain the activity that the connection drives and how the connection will bring efficiencies to the client experience.


What size clients are you seeing utilize these integrations?

Sun Life:

We have groups as small as 50-75 lives with active integrations, and we typically see employers with 200-300 lives and upward with integrations as a standard to their technology experience. Sun Life will work with each client to take into account what integrations and technology solutions are meaningful for their population and cost effective for their budget.


What is on Sun Life’s roadmap?

Sun Life:

We recently streamlined the claims process by improving our internal claims system for an easier customer experience.

Sun Life continues to develop API integrations with vendors across the HR Technology market.

We also have an in-house Absence product, as the need for FMLA offerings continue to grow.


What’s big and exciting for Sun Life?

Sun Life:

Sun Life is excited to be a trendsetter in the market when it comes to APIs and system connectivity. The value held within these developments is being realized by Sun Life’s clients, providing a fuller and more successful experience to both employers and employees.


Let’s talk about Brokers – what should they know about Sun Life, especially going into Q4?

Sun Life:

We are seeing a shift in the market – moving away from the traditional RFP process and moving toward a search for a long-term strategic partner. Sun Life can onboard clients significantly faster and provide enhanced ongoing support with the help of our integrations. Not every connection is built the same, so we encourage brokers to stay curious about their clients’ technology needs and lean on your partners to optimize your clients’ experiences.

Looking ahead, we see the benefits landscape being more flexible for clients and their workforces. Sun Life balances the need for seamless technology and superior service to maintain a long-term client experience.

In all states except New York, group insurance policies are underwritten by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, MA). In New York, group insurance policies are underwritten by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company (U.S.) (Lansing, MI).



BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring UKG /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-ukg Fri, 30 Sep 2022 07:00:26 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=3001 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with to discuss UKG’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is UKG’s claim to fame?


At UKG, our purpose is people. Everything starts with people, exploring the human side of business processes across the full spectrum of work. UKG aims to be a partner for life. We recognize that HR technology is actually a small part of the larger process that is HCM work, and we also recognize that technology has potential to maximize the total HCM experience. We offer exceptional value and service for our UKG user community.


Tell us about your three pillars – Product, Service, & Culture – and how they create your Go-To-Market strategy.


When we think about Product, we focus on advancing what we call “Life-work Technology.” UKG wants to anticipate the needs of its user community beyond just work by looking at both the personal and professional needs of employers and employees, offering guidance for an optimal experience within and outside the business.

When we think about Service, we focus on being a “partner for life” through meaningful relationships with every customer. UKG has a host of experts who will help organizations get to their best outcome through trusted service.

When we think about Culture, we focus on “championing great workplaces.” UKG recently acquired Great Place to Work, which is helping UKG develop an internal strategy for investing in our own people, as well as helping our clientele invest in their own people through access to a wealth of culture-building standards, benchmarks, and certification opportunities.


How is UKG helping employers connect with and engage their employees?


We recognize that there are various challenges and barriers when it comes to communicating to employees in our present-day workforce settings. UKG has historically been focused on guidance and transparency, so we help employers apply their own internal data to discover the story of their employees’ personal lives and offer support for a positive experience across life and work.

UKG also realizes that employers nationwide have been treading water for the past two years due to challenges brought on by the Pandemic, and we believe that helping employers discover trends within their workforce will enable progression toward productivity and success without losing the focus on people that we believe every modern business should have. We provide unique solutions to gather employee feedback, coach management, and achieve business objectives.


What is on UKG’s roadmap?


On the employee side, UKG is working on “UKG Talk” which is an innovative communication platform that allows employees to engage with their internal work community as a way to share ideas and information. We will also continue developing our small business product, “UKG Ready,” to allow for internal connection amongst workforces as well.

On the admin user side, UKG is developing technology to further support business leaders with benchmarking tools and data. UKG is utilizing Great Place to Work methodologies and our own award-winning internal culture and DEI&B practices to inform and equip employers as they develop their organization’s practices and expectations.


How is UKG advancing its technology when it comes to benefits administration?


We recently acquired the EverythingBenefits ben admin platform to support our clients with targeted ben admin needs. The acquisition enabled UKG to offer “UKG Ready Benefits” for small businesses and to start developing “UKG Pro Benefits Hub” for mid-market and enterprise-level clientele. This exciting acquisition provides carrier connections, plan comparison tools, and employee enrollment capability for the administration of insurance plans, 401K, and COBRA.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring Lincoln Financial /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-lincoln-financial Fri, 23 Sep 2022 08:00:50 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=2992 + Read More]]> We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Lincoln Financial Group’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is Lincoln Financial’s claim to fame?


Lincoln has been in business for 115 years, with a focus on helping the American worker face the financial burdens they will have over the course of their lifetime – retirement, individual insurances, disability coverages, and more. We stay keyed into the financial climate in the US to be able to provide the best support available in the market.

We provide both individual and group products and boast an A+ rating for our claims services.


How is Lincoln seeing success in regard to employees enrolling in their products through BenAdmin software?


Lincoln has unique partnerships with many vendors in the market – such as bswift, PlanSource, and Employee Navigator – to facilitate an easy plan build out of each Lincoln product, including our new Hospital Indemnity product. Lincoln also offers their clients a Quality Assurance review service which gives employers peace of mind that their benefits are accurately built on their enrolling technology.

For bswift users, we enhance the HR experience through efficiencies such as the Integrated Playbook, electronic EOI solutions, and Self-billing.

For PlanSource clients, Lincoln offers EOI SSO, EDI capabilities, and Self-billing. Lincoln is also currently investing in API enhancements to support the employee experience.

For Employee Navigator users, groups of any size can enjoy the Lincoln data exchange for ease of eligibility and administration.


Tell us about how Lincoln maintains an identity in the market.


Lincoln is a top-three absence and disability carrier in the market, whether managing FMLA or a disability scenario. We recognize that there is a growing need for better income protection, so we are investing in product enhancements and development by making all products family-based, with the goal of protecting all members of the family, not just the individual

Specifically, Lincoln has invested in a Hospital Indemnity product that bridges the gap for medical costs during a hospital stay. The Maternity benefit now includes a NICU benefit in the event a baby has a stay in the NICU. And we are enhancing our Wellness rider to include benefits for things like antibody testing, viral testing, and vaccines as it pertains to the Pandemic.


What is your benefit technology strategy for enrolling in your new products?


Our goal is to reduce HR lift by ensuring our integrations are capturing data from the enrollment technology, allowing the HR team to focus on their employees’ needs in their day-to-day work. With our tailored connections, simplified enrollment and administration experience, and our ongoing improvements, we support HR teams to meet their objectives with minimal duplication.


What is on your technology roadmap?


Lincoln is committed to simplifying the end-user experience. We are investing in our online portal to make the claims process more efficient. We are working with our preferred technology vendors to implement smoother Self-billing processes for our HR users and plan administrators.

Lincoln also has an EOI API now available with WorkDay and will be launching an API with Workday for Leaves in the near future. We are also currently developing APIs with PlanSource, ADP National, and other vendors. Lincoln is also in discovery with other preferred technology vendors to explore more opportunities for 2023, as well.

Lincoln’s technology approach is also embedded in our product approach. Our products are designed to be built on technology which provides a seamless enrollment experience and reduces market frustration with our products. Our intention is to fit the model of employers’ enrollment technologies so that we ensure the interaction with Lincoln products remains simplified and easy.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring AFLAC /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-aflac Thu, 15 Sep 2022 16:06:04 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=2963 + Read More]]> September 16, 2022

We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with to discuss Aflac’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.



What is Aflac’s claim to fame? Tell us some fun facts!


Aflac has been around since 1951, offering voluntary benefits products (e.g., Critical Illness, Accident, Hospital Indemnity, Cancer, and other lifestyle benefits) for individuals and groups.

Our CEO is the 2nd-longest running CEO in US history and we are the #1 distributor of cancer insurance in Japan!


What trends are you seeing in the market? How is Aflac responding?


Personalization is a high point; our customers want an Amazon-like experience wherein they are easily identifiable and thus easy to serve. We are seeing some automation and innovation happening in the market – a great example of this is how Property & Casualty insurance carriers keep their customers informed of claims activity and opportunities. We are discovering more ways to apply these same principals to the benefits space and it’s exciting.


Open Enrollment season is upon us. What advice can you give to brokers & employers?


90% of Aflac’s clients are on a technology platform of some sort. We always recommend employers maximize their technology tools for the purposes of employee education, effectiveness surveys, and communication. Audit the existing technology opportunities available to your organization and consider leveraging decision support tools to help employees make smart benefits decisions.

Aflac also recommends holding an active enrollment during Open Enrollment. This is always a good time for employers to reconnect with their employee base, to reiterate the benefits strategy, and to make sure system data is accurate to support the back-end of the employee experience with their insurance products.


How is Aflac preparing for changes to the “workforce landscape,” i.e., an increase in contracted workers?


We expect the workforce composition to be shifting to a broader mix of traditional W-2 employees and contracted/gig workers. Aflac is focused on assisting employers and companies to be able to offer these benefits on both a group basis and an individual basis.


What is Aflac doing to prepare for digital enablement?


Aflac recognizes that the Pandemic has majorly influenced the workforce. We’ve implemented an innovation group called Hatch to bring new and innovative solutions to challenges in the industry with the ultimate goal of making us easier to do business with.

We have active APIs in production for EOI and are actively working on APIs for enrollment and plan building. We also have an API for searching dental providers to help enrollees quickly find Dentists in their area.


What is on Aflac’s roadmap? Do you have new products? Any exciting news?


Aflac is working directly with HR technology systems in the market to build integrations and facilitate enrollment for an easy experience. We are expanding our product offerings with Life Absence & Disability coverage as well as our Dental & Vision plans. We also recently partnered with Trupanion for pet insurance.

In other exciting news, we have a new G.O.A.T. joining our beloved Aflac duck in our commercials to help explain how Aflac helps to fill in the GAAAAP that health insurance wasn’t designed to cover.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring PAYLOCITY /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-paylocity Fri, 09 Sep 2022 08:00:05 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=2943 + Read More]]> September 2022

We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Paylocity’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins.




What is Paylocity’s claim to fame?


Paylocity is unique in that it doesn’t specialize in any vertical, rather Paylocity is able to serve any employers of all sizes and types. Paylocity has grown from a focus on Payroll services to a single HCM platform.


What can Paylocity do for employers?


Paylocity is a web-based system with the ability to integrate and scale as companies grow. We recognize that employers need a system that will fit their organization’s needs; we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach.


Share about your integrations!


Paylocity is always looking at innovative integrations to provide solutions for employers across the market. Our open integration strategy allows for flexibility to integrate with outside vendors for things like retirement plan providers, benefits administration tools, applicant tracking, time & labor, and more. We surveyed our clients for their needs and continue to focus on the integration developments our clientele are desiring.


How is Paylocity managing its data security?


Since Paylocity is a publicly-traded organization, we maintain compliance with ongoing security and control audits. Our system is based with 256 encryptions which is twice the level that banks are required to apply for their technologies. We’re committed to 99% uptime to allow our clients to have maximum access to their data and processes.


What is on Paylocity’s roadmap?


We recognize that the Pandemic shifted workforces to focus on collaboration and community, so we continuously enhance our core HR functionalities and developing new software like internal messaging and video chat, collaborative document storage, and more. Engagement is a growing key focus for business leaders, so Paylocity is proactively enhancing their solutions to allow for employers to keep connected with their employee base. Paylocity is also continuously expanding their product offerings to facilitate the ability for employers to innovate in how they serve their employees.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

SPECIAL EDITION: Elite Partners Series – featuring VIMLY BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, INC. /special-edition-elite-partners-series-featuring-vimly-benefit-solutions-inc Fri, 02 Sep 2022 13:01:13 +0000 https://bentechre.com/?p=2932 + Read More]]> August 2022

We are very proud of our Elite Partnerships with Carriers and Vendors that incorporate technology into all they do. This series features each of our Elite Partners, who offer savings and efficiencies for your technology and communication needs.

This week’s featured partner is . Our series hosts, & , sat down with & to discuss Vimly’s tech know-how, company developments, and market wins. Be sure also to check out the .



What is Vimly’s claim to fame?


Vimly is a best-in-class benefits administration technology solution architected for organizations with an aggregated business model, such as MEWAs, trusts, association health plans, PEOs, health plans, TPAs, and other similar groups. With a focus on streamlining workflows and creating efficiencies, Vimly provides a comprehensive platform for quoting, enrollment, eligibility, consolidated billing, integrations, and more.


How did you arrive at the MEWA niche?


Vimly has been around for almost 30 years. We started in 1993 as a TPA providing solutions for the small group market through association health plans. We quickly realized there was no specific technology platform built to support the complexity of that sect of the market, so we built the solution.


What are the specific needs you see with MEWAs?


MEWAs face a lot of manual processes and complexities, especially around billing, reconciliation, and communication. There is a lack of technology options in the market that support aggregated businesses with the mission-critical knowledge that Vimly deploys.


Tell us more about the features and benefits of your solution.


Our technology platform, SIMON®, is a  HITRUST® certified benefits administration technology and services solution. The four key pillars of Vimly’s proprietary platform include– quoting, enrollment & eligibility, true consolidated billing & settlement, and robust integrations. Vimly’s flagship product, consolidated billing, features the ability to consolidate any carrier premiums, broker commissions, administration fees, etc., for each member group into a single invoice, allowing for direct pay within the system or otherwise. Vimly also reconciles and disperses payment for enrollments, is keen on integrations (inbound and outbound), and the technology is mobile-optimized.

We also allow our clients the flexibility to pursue our white-labeled technology through a full-service support model or as a SaaS-only solution. Vimly also can support trust administration services, integrated COBRA, CDH needs, ACA services, and more, focusing on data security and integrity.


What’s on Vimly’s roadmap?


We’re excited about the continued development of our quoting solution, underwriting capabilities for fully-insured, self-funded, and level-funded plans, and our API catalog & portal. Vimly strives to be the single source of truth from the pre-sale of an insurance plan through to the billing and settlement process. We are investing in our technology year-over-year to ensure we have the best product available for our partners across the multi-employer markets.


What else would you like the share about your solution?


Vimly has multiple user experiences across a single code set – including experiences for the employee, the individual employer, brokers, and the partner portal. Everything is aggregated, providing complete visibility and control over the entire book of business. Features like “create an employer” allow new employers to be added within minutes to any multi-employer group, allowing for efficient execution and a platform for growth and scale.


BTR appreciates our partnership with our Elite Partners. Be sure to check out our other partners on our . If you’d like more information about savings and efficiencies offered through our Elite Partners, please email BTRProjects@bentechre.com.

